The One Where [Bottled] Conflicts with: [Formulae] (because both install [Those] binaries)

#CheatSheets #WorksOnMyMachine

Rogério R. Alcântara
2 min readApr 16, 2023


> GoTask is a task runner / build tool that aims to be simpler and easier to use than, for example, GNU Make —

That (Go|Task)/**/* is just great is no wonder.

What just a few lucky ones would learn, though, is that it might conflict with other binaries, sometimes — which might not be that great.

brew info go-task
# =>
# go-task: stable 3.24.0 (bottled), HEAD
# ..
# Conflicts with:
# task (because both install `task` binaries)

A quick workaround is changing the GoTask’s binary — in just a few steps..

## unlink `Taskwarrior`
brew unlink task

## install the `GoTask`
brew install go-task

## unlink the `GoTask`
brew unlink go-task

## relink `taskwarrior`
brew link task

## find out the symlinks that Brew ought to create
brew link go-task --dry-run
# =>
# Would link:
# /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/task
# /usr/local/bin/task
# /usr/local/share/fish/vendor_completions.d/
# /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/_task

## Then manually links the binary as `gotask` - or whatever fits best
ln -s /usr/local/Cellar/go-task/3.24.0/bin/task /usr/local/bin/gotask

## Next, checks the folders under `$FPATH`
echo "${FPATH:?}" | sed 's/:/\n/g' | uniq -c
# =>
# 1 ~/.config/zsh/opt/completions
# 1 /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions
# 1 /usr/local/Cellar/zsh/5.9/share/zsh/functions

## Copy the shell-completion file to any directory listed in `$FPATH`
## while applying a few changes
cat /usr/local/Cellar/go-task/3.24.0/share/zsh/site-functions/_task | sed s/task/gotask/g > ~/.config/zsh/opt/completions/_gotask

## Finally, resource ZSH files - or restart the terminal

And presto!

Id’ just ensure that the binary is working just fine ..

## after all, this is IT and not - you know - exact science!
gotask --version
# =>
# Task version: 3.24.0

## And don't forget the completions..
## for anybody who, like me, may have no life but.. BACKSPACE!
# =>
# | build
# | format
# | lint
# |> nobody?

I wonder whether <REALLYBOLD> a similar approach would potentially <REALLY-BOLD> work out for similar formulae. To be continued..


