IELTS General Writing Task 2 — Practice Draft

Developed countries have created many environmental problems in the World, particularly in their contribution to global warming. What can be done to reduce the dangers of global warming?

A Problem and Solution Essay
with a Funnel Approach Introduction

Rogério R. Alcântara
Published in
2 min readJul 23, 2015


From all the barbarities that we have caused in the name of progress thus far, global warming is perhaps one of the most nefast. Over the last century, the emission of highly toxic fumes has dramatically increased. And today, albeit some progress towards restraining emissions has admittedly been attained, the Beijing's sky is no longer blue and the polar bear has no longer home. And this raises questions of what sort of actions can be taken aiming at stopping such a tragedy.

It is notorious the role played by developed nations in worsening global warming. From the massive number of cars to the intensification and expansion of livestock production, both of which are pointed out as some of the main polluters, mind you, the reasons vary greatly. In fact, in the face of such a productivity and profit from recent years, environmental issues were swept under the carpet.

The stakes, however, have changed; that is, if no action be taken now, it is highly likely that the levels of pollution will not be able to be restored. Many have finally woken up for this matter and a number of steps can be taken to tackle it. Firstly, to favour collective rather than individual transport. Secondly, to apply heavier taxation in both the livestock and fuel fossil industries. And lastly, to allocate the funds raised to foster the development and the use of renewable energy. Evidently, such measures are by no means exhaustive, but just a few examples.

Hence, that this is a pressing and far-reaching issue with no clear outcomes is, sadly, true. Yet, I believe that sustainability should also start within us, in the small daily things. And by the way, have you recycled today?

